Being a modern academic resource and information technology center encouraging research, self-learning, as well as developing servicing and managing systems using the whole system of information technology
Being a modern academic resource and information technology center encouraging research, self-learning, as well as developing servicing and managing systems using the whole system of information technology
- Providing academic and information technology services supporting learning and teaching and research conducted for students, lecturers, and personnel
- Providing academic and information technology services encouraging learning and research conducted for the public promoting life-long learning
- Providing and managing effective and thoroughly- covered network system for the university
- Researching and developing servicing and managing systems using information technology
- Being university’s academic service center for learning and teaching, and being a research and inventions database
- Being the network hub responding to the needs of the university in communicating via information technology
- Being a software developing center taking care of university databases for services and management to be more convenient and effective
- Promoting learning and teaching
- Being research sources
- Providing effective network systems
- Encouraging effective services
- Encouraging effective management
- Developing information technology for learning and teaching
- Developing information technology for research and inventions
- Promoting and encouraging research conducting and inventions
- Developing network systems
- Developing personnel information technology skills
- Developing servicing software
- Developing managing software
- Developing e-learning systems
- Developing learning and teaching materials storing system
- Raising found to purchase learning and teaching materials
- Developing e-library systems
- Establishing an extended service computer center
- Holding learning and teaching materials creation training
- Developing research and inventions database
- Developing research and invention information systems
- Equipping an effective mainframe for research database processing
- Holding regional seminars exhibiting research findings and inventions
- Providing network systems throughout university
- Equipping intra-wireless network system in lecturerhalls and personnel housing areas
- Providing networking equipment for network expanding
- Holding information technology seminar for personnel
- Welcoming computer engineering and information technology trainees
- Setting up IT consulting center
- Setting up holistic network learning center
- Developing university servicing software
- Holding servicing software training for personnel
- Surveying servicing software needs
- Developing managing software for university departments
- Holding managing software training for personnel
- Developing managing database for university executives